
Showing posts from March, 2022

"Khoảng không" trong Khủng hoảng Tài chính 2008

  Mỹ và phương Tây luôn tự hào là hình mẫu cho sự phát triển của thế giới, là đàn anh dẫn dắt các đứa em đi vào đúng con đường chính đạo. Nhưng đột nhiên, Mỹ mất định hướng khi gặp khủng hoảng tài chính 2008, để lại bầy con nheo nhóc bị lạc đường. Hơn 2 nghìn tỷ của GDP toàn cầu bị bốc hơi, và những vết sẹo trở thành những di căn mầm móng cho các cuộc khủng hoảng sau này.

Russo - Ukraine conflict: A just or unjust war?

    *Vietnamese version below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On February 24th, 2022, Russia conducted a military invasion on a huge scale into Ukraine, marking the swift escalation between these two countries since 2014. It has forced millions of Ukrainians to flee away from their homes, created the biggest refugee crisis in Europe after WW2. But what made Putin decide to invade Ukraine, and whether the report from Russian media was accurate so far? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Russia and Ukraine's relation after Cold War   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Ukraine was still influenced by Russia in terms of political powe

Capitalism, Socialism & Communism

  *Vietnamese version below: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capitalism and Socialism is the two concepts we often see when it comes to the ideology in which the economic and social system has different principles, driving forces and mechanisms. Similar to when you heard "Capitalism is dying" but don't understand the root of it, this post is for you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Capitalism -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply put, capitalism is a social, political and economic institution established upon the private property, where people work and trade together to gain our personal wealth or save it. In the competitive market of capitalist economy,